February 18, 2025

5 Boring but Important Financial Chores for the New Year

I would like to wish you and your family a Happy New Year – Cheers to a prosperous, healthy, and happy 2019! The beginning of the year is a good time to take care of some financial housekeeping chores. These chores are somewhat boring but essential to maintaining good financial health. 1. Get Your Social… [Continue]

15 Tips for Young Professionals and Career Changers

Introduction I was recently invited to present a webinar for financial planning students at Kansas State University. The objective of the webinar was to share my personal story on becoming a financial planner, provide insight on how I run my firm, and on how I work with my clients. I was also asked to include… [Continue]

Dutchess My Friend

Note: This article was originally written in June 2013. My road trip with Dutchess from Indiana to Florida in November 2011 after my Dad died was the start of my journey with her and my becoming a professional financial planner. I signed up for the CFP® coursework the first week of January 2012. We all… [Continue]

My Dad – A Young Boy’s Teacher

My dad might have asked me, “What if there is just a horizontal line across the screen?” I would reply with something like, “The vertical output is not working correctly.” Another question might be, “What if there is no sound or picture?” My reply would be something like, “There is probably a power supply problem.… [Continue]

The Importance of Knowing Your Risk Capacity

If you have worked with a financial advisor, you are likely to have a good understanding of risk tolerance but may not be as familiar with risk capacity. Both are important in determining how much risk you should be taking in your portfolio for your unique financial situation. Defining Risk Tolerance and Risk Capacity Risk… [Continue]

Steven Clark Accepted as a NAPFA-Registered Financial Advisor

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Steven W. Clark Clark Financial Planning Services LLC (954) 300‐1199 Or stevenclark@clarkfinancialplanningservices.com Local Financial Advisor Joins Leading Association of Fee‐Only Financial Planners: Steven W. Clark of Clark Financial Planning Services LLC accepted for Membership in the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) CHICAGO, IL – Steven W. Clark of Clark… [Continue]

I Am What I Was – An Entrepreneur

I believe that for most of us, the adult we have become is a reflection of the child we once were. Childhood Experiences Shape Our Lives I love meeting people and learning about the paths they took to get to where they are today. In these discussions with others, I find quite often that events… [Continue]

Quick Answer #4 – What is the Florida Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE)?

Quick Answer The Achieving a Better Life Experience Act, or ABLE Act, was signed into law by President Obama in December 2014.  The ABLE Act amends Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to create tax-exempt investment accounts for individuals with disabilities (Section 529A accounts). The intent of the ABLE Act is to… [Continue]

Another Life Transition, A Promise Kept

  Much of the work I do with my clients is about helping them to plan for and navigate their life transitions. A life transition can be a happy occasion such as graduating from college, getting married, or embarking on a new phase of life such as retirement. Other times a life transition can be… [Continue]

Quick Answer #3 – What is the Florida Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act?

Quick Answer On March 10, 2016, the Governor of Florida signed into law the Florida Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act (the “Act”). The Act became effective on July 1, 2016. It is codified in Chapter 740 of the Florida Statutes.  The purpose of the law is to allow fiduciaries, such as personal representatives, agents… [Continue]