February 17, 2025

A Mindset for Financial Success

Introduction The news media is constantly reminding you of terrible events occurring locally and around the world each day that you cannot control. In addition, financial gurus are everywhere predicting the direction of the economy and the markets. Listening and watching all of this fills your head with negative thoughts and as a result, you… [Continue]

5 Technical Principles to Master for Financial Success

Introduction When it comes to your financial future, there are things you cannot control such as the stock market, the economy, or major world events. To increase your odds of financial success, I believe it is more important to focus on the things you can control. My Five-by-Five Formula for Financial Success includes five behavioral… [Continue]

5 Behavioral Principles to Master for Financial Success

Introduction I believe that if you are able to focus on what you can consistently control, develop a plan around those things, and stick to the plan over the long term; you will sleep better and have a better chance of reaching your financial goals. You and I cannot control the stock market, the economy,… [Continue]